Monday, May 14, 2012

I Forgot

I forgot that I'm a human.
I forgot that I can feel tired.
I forgot that I may make mistakes.
I forgot that life has the downside.
I forgot there are holes on the road while I'm looking up high in the sky.
I forgot to prioritize my own happiness.
I forgot that I deserve a good treat too.
I forgot that others can live by their own.
I forgot that I have unaccomplished missions.
I forgot that I used to have a wonderful life.
I forgot to keep myself away from social network.
I forgot to care less.
I forgot that one day I will die and hopefully everybody will come and mourn.

I forgot who I am.
I forgot that I have feelings too.
Thank you for considering my needs and wants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will never forget,
that Allah is there for you and everyone else.

You will never forget,
that our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w mentioned his ummah until his last breath.

The loves of our lives.

You have, your amazing mother.
You have, your superb father.
You have, your adorable sister.

Don't glance at what you don't have, see what you own.

Never take things for granted will you? Because your action of forgetting things, are not comparable, to the amount of others remembering you.