Thursday, May 3, 2012


This one circle that won't stop growing and enlarging. Friends.

There's no exception about gaining more friends day by day, or last by each week.
You walk, you bump into, you greet, you converse, you fistbump and somehow you accidentally pay for someone's food.

Glad, all praises to Lord for sending me all these good friends and I know I'm not the only one having them.

How to make friends?

1. Well today we have Facebook and Twitter and even Blogger and your eyes on this topic. Don't afraid to say hi. Just a simple hi, it suffices to make two a lovely happy ever after living married couple. True story.
But put limitations. Don't hastily say hi and ask personal infos. It'd be awkward and soon enough, boring.
Say hi!

2. Know their interests. They might or might not have same ones like you. There's no need asking, just somehow an observation.
I live by observing, that's why I press on observing.
If they have same interest, for a simple example, music; tell them what you like, what you play, how did you start and all. Same interests always go along until the end if two don't do it in a box.
If they don't, well, get to know them for what they like. You might be loving what they love if you put your sight on the fun part. Put your ego aside.

3. Don't be selfish. Good things need sacrifice and it should start from you. Yes you.
We may not see good outcomes by that time around, but eventually, it will happen. They'll remember as you do good deeds without minding your hardship.
Hardship may happen, but why not, don't obviously put it outside cover.

Friends for benefits?
No. I don't think they exist. They do, actually, but the term "friends for benefits" doesn't.
Friends, that surely is not one and it'd be plural, have their own uniqueness and specialities. One can do this, while another one can do this. When one can't do this, another one will come and help doing that.
So we call it even.

I pay for his food, but he never paid for mine!
Duhhh. Shut up.
Well if you think very carefully, they might have paid your deeds not by barter. They'd somehow do it differently.
I always have this on my mind; well he may not pay for my food, but he always helped me photocopying assignments, driving me home, and he even sometimes walks from the end of the world to my place just to accompany me while I'm alone. How sweet is that?
Simply, we're even.

Ah ah ah, but don't take it for granted. If you want people to like you, put some cash on the table for the bill.
Even you have little, share. At least, they'll see your effort not to abuse chances given to them.

I apologize if this blog seems so lame and boring. My English sucks, I needda brush up. It looks like some direct-translated stuff. But believe, the ideas are all mine.

Summarizing my entry, put your ego aside. Ego somehow can be good, as it trains discipline. But too much ego hurts others and you yourself.

From a simple hi, to a meaningful will you marry me? True story.

Signed, me.

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