Sunday, April 29, 2012

30 Tips Facing Problems

If you care too much, it hurts.
If you care too little, you'll miss loads.
So, choose moderate.

Basically this is about how to handle a problem that you know would take you down.

Here the phase 1 go.
1. Breathe in deeply. Release.
2. Don't be talking about it.
3. Do your own business.
4. If somebody provokes, ignore.
5. When in doubt, leave it. Curiosity kills the cat.
6. When people judge, ignore.
7. Find things that would always carve smiles.
8. Talk to your mum.
9. Find friends.
10. Eat.

Phase 1 is telling ways to keep yourself away from miserable things that would unexpectedly happen. In another term, to ignore.
Now phase 2, the next action, to care.

Phase 2 takes guts to handle. Let's start.
1. Be clear what you fear of.
2. Be sure of the stake holders.
3. Confront the stake holder(s).
4. Explain and get explaination about things happening currently.
5. Measure plan A and plan B. If necessary, C.
6. Before starting an action, imagine the upcoming consequences.
7. Plan aftermaths, though it wouldn't happen. Just plan, in case.
8. With planned aftermaths, plan solutions.
9. Breathe in, get ready to act.
10. Prepare physically, and totally mentally.

Phase 3 would be about actions. Hard, but you or we have to face em.
Pray for good things as outcomes.
1. Revise plan A, B and if available, C.
2. Approach stake holder(s) with solution A.
3. Be positive and never ever be down.
4. Important, don't retreat before you fight.
5. Fight for you stand on.
6. In the same time, win-win situation is vitally needed. Don't get too bias on your side.
7. Present your solutions clearly and make sure you win their heart.
8. If failed, ask around for another option of compromising or just not so called bribe them fairly.
9. Repeat 1 to 8 with plan B or C if plan A failed.
10. Be tough.

I guess all above came from a self-centred guy, that's me. So you don't have to agree. I'm just sharing things I do when hard times crawling approach.
Even sometimes I fail myself after trying all these above, psst, because things are too hard.

But remember, it's not applicable to everything. Like when your fridge is empty.

Signed, Anwar Husaini.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


kasut_putih said...

erm.. betul2 macam doktor pakar saikologi. :D

Anonymous said...

i love this post